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Activate your NostraBiome
Intestinal Microbiome Test Kit
Having a non-intestinal sample?
Activating your Test Kit consists of 3 equally important steps. Please provide your personal information and the required details about the Test Kit. Additionally, complete our profiling questionnaire to help us offer a highly customized health analysis for you.
Step 1: Personal Information
Your Full Name
Your Biological Gender
Your Date of Birth
Your Email
Your Phone Number
Step 2: Test Kit and Sample Details
Test Kit's Barcode & Picture
Insert the number below the bar code of the kit tube.
Your Doctor Code
In case you do not have a doctor use R0000
Your Sample Collection Location
Step 3: Profiling Questionnaire
This questionnaire collects profiling data on your disease and signs onset and it is regulated by all the terms and conditions presented on By filling it you agree and accept the data processing policy present on this website.
1. What's your current weight in KG?
2. What's your current height in CM?
3. For how long have you been experiencing digestive issues, such as Chron's disease or colitis symptoms?
4. How does your practitioner or gastroenterologist best describe your condition?
5. Do you frequently experience a strong urgent need to use the restroom? Please describe your situation.
6. When was your last colonoscopy performed?
7. Could you please provide details about the location of the inflammation during your most recent colonoscopy?
8. How damaged was the lining of your colon?
9. Do you have Diarrhea?
10. How many stools do you have in a day?
11. Do you wake up during the night to go to the toilet?
12. How you would best describe the consistency of your stool?
13. Is your stool floating in the toilet water?
14. How would you describe your bloating and gas symptoms?
15. When you eliminate your stool, how much gas do you have?
16. When you have a bowel movement and pass out stool, do you also pass blood?
17. Did you undergo a fecal transplant procedure? If so, did it help? Please provide detailed information about the outcome and whether a screening match was conducted beforehand.
18. As a baby you were fed with:
19. You were born:
20. Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you couldn't find a toilet and ended up soiling your clothes?
21. Have you noticed an increase in gas after consuming specific foods? If so, which foods do you think are causing it?
22. Do you take any probiotics supplements? Please describe in detail if you took them before the disease onset or only after the problems started. Which probiotics and spp. strains you took? If you do not know please tell us the brand.
23. What foods appear to improve your symptoms?
24. Can you tolerate well the raw fruits and vegetables? Or do you have to cook them for better tolerability? Please provide details.
25. How often do you eat fruits on a weekly basis?
26. How often do you eat vegetables on a weekly basis?
27. How often do you eat legumes like beans, lentils, chickpeas or legume based products on a weekly basis?
28. How often do you eat whole cereal based products on a weekly basis?
29. How often do you eat milk based products on a weekly basis?
30. How often do eat sweets such as cookies, cakes or other high sugar products on a weekly basis? How many coffees?
31. How often do eat fast food on a weekly bases?
32. How often do you consume alcohol on a weekly basis?
33. How often do drink coffee on a weekly basis?
34. Did you use any drugs / psychedelics before the disease / problems started? If yes, please provide details.
35. Do you follow any specific diet?
36. How would you describe your general mental state?
37. Do you have any known food allergies?
38. What is your typical daily menu? Please write as detailed as possible your day to day menu, separating breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. If it is easier write the most frequently ingested food ingredients and approximate weekly quantities of those.
39. Do you drink water from the tap?
40. Before your disease started, did you use to eat any raw foods? Please specify which foods.
41. Short before the disease started for you, did you visit any developing country? If yes, which one?
42. Before the onset of the disease, have you had any surgeries or stayed in a hospital? If so, please provide details.
43. Do you have any issues with your dental and gum health?
44. Before the disease started, did you have a dental procedure or intervention?
45. Before the disease started, did you have any contact with wild animals, livestock, herd animals, or any raw animal products? Please provide details.
46. Before the disease started, did you have any specific dietary habits such as consuming large quantities of particular foods or preparing them in a certain manner? Please provide detailed descriptions.
47. Right before the disease started did you use to swim in lakes or rivers? (2 weeks at max before)
48. Did the disease start for you as similar to a food poisoning with vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, fever and headache?
49. Please describe in as much detail as possible how the disease started for you, and if possible, include a chronological list of symptoms as they appeared.
50. Have you ever taken an intestinal microbiome test to analyze your full bacteria and intestinal microbiome?
51. Before the disease started, did you change your sexual partner or have any different sexual habits compared to the healthy period before the disease was triggered?
52. Before the disease started, did you perform unprotected vaginal oral sex?
53. Before the disease started, did you perform unprotected anal sex?
54. Do you have any skin problems?
55. Did you find anything specific about your liver enzymes in your last blood analysis?
56. What other blood markers from your last blood tests are significantly increased or abnormal? Which ones specifically?
57. Do you have any Vitamin D, Iron or Vitamin B deficiencies? Please provide details.
58. Do you have problems gaining weight no matter how much you eat or how many calories you consume?
59. Do you suffer from any other auto-immune condition? If yes, which one?
60. Is anyone in your family or close circle of friends experiencing similar issues to you? If so, please provide a detailed description.
61. Have you taken any antibiotics or undergone antibiotic therapy? If so, please provide a detailed description of the treatment and its effects.
62. What is your current treatment for your bowel condition?
63. Please let us know the drugs you currently take and if you observe any benefits after using them compared to the period before.
64. Do you currently take any vitamin, mineral or any other type of supplements? Please list all of them.
65. How many different treatments did you try up until now?
66. Did you experience any complications or undergo any surgeries due to the disease? Please provide a detailed description.
67. Did you have different abscesses or pus accumulations in different areas of the body? Please describe.
68. Do you have joint problems?
69. Do you have some heart issues that occurred after the disease started? Please provide details.
70. Do you experience any concentration issues due to your intestinal condition? Please provide details.
71. How would you currently rate the quality of your life? 1 (Very Poor) to 10 (Great)
72. How would you currently rate your health status? 1 (Very Sick) to 10 (Very Healthy)
73. How would you currently rate your energy levels? 1 (Very Low) to 10 (Very Energetic)
74. How would you currently rate your sexual libido and desire? 1 (Not Interested in Sex) to 10 (Very Sex Driven)
75. What is your current professional setup?
76. How frequent do you workout in a week?
77. How many hours per night do you usually sleep?
78. Have you noticed any changes or improvements associated with the amount of sleep you get?
79. Did you notice any improvements or changes when you go to live somewhere else? For example, when you go on vacation and experience a different living environment? Please elaborate on any other changes.
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