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Glass Leaves

HyperFix IBD includes:



  • Multiple different microbiome sequencing tests throught the healing path

  • Advanced user questionnaire with over 500 profiling questiongs

  • Existing blood test interpretations

  • Ai & Deep learning interpretation of the microbiome, immune pathaways, blood data and your unique profile

  • Multiple interactions with our in-house gastroenterologists, immunologists and IBD experts

  •  Further testing recommendations for treatment personalization

  •  A clear recommendation of treatment and therapy for your IBD

  • 12 months monitoring throughout your remission journey

  • Nutritional recommendations

  • Lifestyle changes and recommendations










Price: 2100 euro + VAT

  • * up to  12 installments of 230/ month

HyperFix IBD Package Description

A complete testing and treatment management package for IBD patients who directly seek NostraBiome's services. This is a super premium, white-glove service offered through telemedicine and direct interactions with our internal medical and science team.This package includes all elements that are required to bring your disease into full remission.


NostraBiome HyperFix IBD package is tailored exclusively to bring your IBD into full remission.

Our holistic treatment approach begins by comprehensively understanding your intestinal microbiome with an advanced metagenomic profiling test, followed by conducting a specific health profiling of yourself and the chemicals produced by your body.


The journey culminates in a uniquely adapted treatment plan reviewed by different NostraBiome doctors, addressing the unique factors contributing to your problem.


To achieve the highest level of efficiency we employ cutting-edge science and AI to provide insights that enable you to naturally reduce inflammation and enhance your microbial and imune health.


The most personalized IBD solution
NostraBiome IBD HyperFix for Colitis & Chron

Purple Bubbles

1. Initial profiling 


You start with a microbiome at-home test kit.


Questionnaire based profiling of your health, lifestyle, and disease evolution.


We might ask you to provide us with some additional blood tests you can take with your existing doctor.

2. Results interpretation & AI generated solution


All your profile and data are loaded into the Nostra Ai simulation engine.


The AI model detects how the disease got active in your body and what the elements that sustain it are.


A list of personalized medical actions and lifestyle changes is provided to you and validated of by our doctors.

3.Recurrent verification & progress validation 


From time to time you might need to test again, so that we can get an up-to-date understanding of the elements involved.


You do a re-profiling and measurement of the disease activity based on the new  results.


The predictive AI model adjusts your recommendations based on the evolution to date.

Your treatment journey

Donna M.: ''NostraBiome has fully changed my life. I’ve spent my adult existence on diets and different medications that never worked.  I was multiple times misdiagnosed with Colitis, Chron, Leaky gut, IBS, Chronic Diarrea... No one until now really listen to my story and everyone was saying you have to learn to live with it : IT'S AUTOIMMUNE. My condition was so severe that I was close to a removable surgery. Having something personalized where you can see the effect almost immediately was so hopeful for me and I am entirely thankful!  ''

Great rating from our patients

Black Fabric

Get started now 

Start seeing your own improvements and fight your autoimmune nightmare!

Black Fabric

Oustanding results 

Dozen of patients healed by this package

Happy Family

Finance the package

with up to 12 monthly instalments 

We're excited to inform you that we've identified and agreed with multiple partners eager to finance the loan for your treatment costs. Although we've worked hard to keep our prices reasonable, we recognize that affordability can still be a concern. Through our collaborations with various financial institutions, we've arranged flexible payment options tailored to your needs. Our mission is to ensure that accessing treatment is not only achievable but also enhances your quality of life without financial strain.

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